Product Description
General Power of Attorney Template
A general power of attorney enables someone to whom you have given the authority, to handle your legal affairs when you are out of the country or in hospital. There may be specific events or periods of time when you find that you may need to give control of your financial and legal matters to others. This general power of attorney template form allows you to give legal permission to someone else to make such decisions and sign documents on your behalf when you are unable to do so.
It is important to note that this General Power of Attorney template is only to be used if you still have mental capacity but are simply unavailable to act in person for some other reason.
When to use:
Use this general power of attorney:
- If you need someone to act in your place whilst you are away
- If you want to give someone the power to act as if they were you, on a short term basis only
- When you have “mental capacity”, ie you understand what you are signing
- Only if you trust absolutely the person or person(s) you appoint as your attorney(s)
- Only if you live in England or Wales.
What this covers:
This general power of attorney covers:
- The end date of the power of attorney
- How the power of attorney can be used.
When can a General Power of Attorney template form be used?
This General Power of Attorney template applies only in England & Wales, it applies only to your property and affairs. You cannot use this to authorise someone to make decisions about your personal welfare.
This template does not allow you to grant authority to someone to perform in your role as a trustee or executor (i.e. administrator) of someone’s estate. For this General Power of Attorney template form to be valid, the ‘Donor’ (the person granting the Power) and the ‘Attorney’ (the person being granted the authority) must be over the age of 18. They must also have capacity to grant the general power of attorney and they must not be an undischarged or interim bankrupt. This general power of attorney also allows you to appoint a replacement Attorney, if you so wish to.
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