Attract the best recruits with a clear statement of key job terms with this offer of employment letter. This straightforward job offer letter ensures your chosen candidate has all the necessary information they need to accept the job and gains a favourable impression of your business. This offer letter is written in a friendly tone and sets out the offer conditions such as references and permission to work in the UK. It also covers key terms including duties, pay, benefits, hours and place of work, holiday, notice or contract duration.
Use this offer of employment
when you want to employ someone new
when you want to make a formal offer before you’re ready to sign an employment contract
to summarise the main terms offered or as a starting point for negotiation
when there are conditions to your offer that must be satisfied before employment starts or the employment contract is signed
only for employees based in England and Wales
This offer letter covers
the role offered
basic information about the job and terms of employment including pay and benefits, hours, holiday, notice period and any obligations after employment ends
the requirement to enter into a employment contract
the conditions to the offer and what happens if they are not satisfied
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